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In the Classroom

Old Academic Philosophy Page

Lower Intermediate & Upper Intermediate

Lower Intermediate & Upper Intermediate students are building a foundation that the rest of their academic career will be built upon. They are at a stage in development where play and investigative learning is how they learn best. It is also the time that they are getting to know the Lord, themselves, and one another. Our lower Intermediate level encompasses students from Kindergarten through grade two. Our Upper Intermediate encompasses students from 3rd grade through grade 5. By combining these grade levels, students can work through the Jubilee standards at their own pace, either accelerating above the current standards or working on previous standards a student may be struggling with. Our program supports this developmental stage through the following program framework:

  • Learn through play and investigation, in addition to traditional learning methods throughout subject content

  • Guided by teachers through concepts in a way that makes learning fun and hands-on.

  • During this period of education, students can be at greatly varying levels, yet at Jubilee our teaching methods and curriculum allow students to work at their own pace and learn where they are.

  • Students are taught holistically; we focus on the spiritual, the academic, the emotional, the physical, and the social needs of all students.

  • Encouraged to use critical and creative thinking strategies in order to further their love for learning and expand their understanding of the world they live in through a Biblical lens.

  • Biblical truths are integrated across the curriculum.

  • Students are supported in learning about who they are in Christ Jesus, including their gifts, talents, and struggles.

  • Project-based learning



The middle grades are known by many to be the turbulent times in a young teens life. At Jubilee we rejoice in our middle schoolers and their spirit! We see this as a time to come along side our students and help them to use that spirit, to grow in the Lord and in relationship with others according to scripture. These students start to take on more leadership positions in the school community and their academic responsibility increases. Middle school is a time of transition and of change; at Jubilee we understand the needs of this age group and work with students to support them in all areas.

  • Differentiated learning is key to our middle school success in the academics

  • Students are supported and mentored by teachers and staff

  • School and community service projects are implemented at a deeper level

  • School community leadership opportunities are available

  • Increased responsibility as a school community member

  • Hands-on learning and critical thinking skills continue to be develop

  • Life-application of scripture and Biblical knowledge

  • Students begin using a deeper level of investigative learning to come to conclusions

  • Project-based learning




The four grades leading up to high school graduation are years that prepare students for their planned pathway. Some students will decide to join the workforce, some will enter a certificate program, and the rest will choose to attend college. During ninth grade, students start to investigate and pray about what pathway they will choose, while focusing on their gifts, talents and struggles in earlier levels to help guide them.

Beginning in 11th grade, students taking the pathway to college are encouraged to sign up for dual credit classes and begin the collegiate experience under the support of our teachers. Students choosing to work or gain a certificate, work to gain information about their specific pathway with the help of our teachers and the community. Students have access to college counseling and support systems needed to be successful regardless of which path they intent to take.

  • Pathway exploration and college/career counseling

  • Individualized classes that support each student’s pathway

  • Dual Credit classes available online with teacher support

  • Leadership roles

  • Project-based learning

  • High school courses in Bible, Literature, Math, Language, Sciences, History, and Spanish

  • Flexibility in classes – students may complete independent study for credit in classes we do not offer.

  • Student-lead high school experience with accountability



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